Orthodontics wax training model

O001 Orthodontics Wax Typodont

For Eductation: It great for Orthodontics Institute and school’s orthodontic course . It can be demonstration and hand-on teaching.

Easy to use: An interesting typodont with groundbreaking. The special material for the wax and teeth. To use hair dry or hat water to soften the wax to move the teeth or hat water let the wax soft.

This model is class 1 Malocclusion and ALEXA DENTAL STUDIO can customize other malocclusions for your course.

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O001 orthodontic typdont
práctica de ortodoncia cera tipodonto
pratica ortodontica typodont
ortodonzia typodont
orthodontics typodont

O001i Orthodontics Wax Typodont with brakets

You just use the hair dryer let the wax soft.
With brakets

O001 Orthodontics Wax Typodont Customized

You just use the hair dryer let the wax soft.
Customized Malocclusion

S001O Orthodontics Bone Model

Design for Orthodontics
Full teeth include wisdom
The teeth have normal length
For Temporary Anchorage Device training

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